
Posted August 30, 2010

Winter is coming!!

And what do we think about when we think of winter? Is it time to boost the immune system? If so, how? What does the body say? Do we give it lots of vitamin C, lots of probiotics, etc? Is there a way to boost the immune system that does NOT weaken the body?

Is it possible that doing more positive immune boosting can weaken the body? Is it possible that you could be doing too much for the body? Doing it’s work for it? How do you know?

What has happened with the bacteria in the body today that was once killed by antibiotic? What has happened to the bugs in the fields that were once killed by pesticide? Could it be possible that we could adapt to the viruses that come our way, IF we simply let the body lead?

Is it possible that dealing with a virus makes us stronger, instead of weakens us?

ONLY the body knows. Let your body lead.

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