Life Continues

Posted June 29, 2010

Life continues, but what is happening deep inside that we know nothing about (because we don’t feel it)? Most people are only concerned about what they feel. If they feel discomfort, pain, discouragement, sneezing, etc., or if they don’t look like a movie star, then they want help. But what about what is going on deep inside? Who knows that?

Interestingly enough, many times while working with individuals, the body did not tell them/me about what was going on deep until later. But when there is evidence of negative energy in the stool, you know there was a condition that needed to be corrected.

The question is—what is going on in your body? And the next question—is this something that needs to be corrected now, or is there something more important to work on/correct now? Could what we feel be something that the body is doing itself and only needs a boost of energy, or is it something that is wrong? The answer—ONLY THE BODY KNOWS!!

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